Invitation for the Submission of Comparative Proposals
Bacolod Supercity Project
Bacolod City Philippines, Sept. 18, 2024
Invitation to Bid: May 9, 2024
(Date posted: May 6, 2024)
Invitation to Bid: March 11, 2024
(Date posted: March 7, 2024)
Invitation to Bid: March 14, 2024
(Date posted: March 7, 2024)
Invitation to Bid: March 25, 2024
(Date posted: March 7, 2024)
Invitation to Bid: April 1, 2024
(Date posted: March 7, 2024)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: CHO Multipurpose Vehicle
(Date posted: January 29, 2024)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: CEO MACOPA
(Date posted: January 29, 2024)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: CEO Old City Hall
(Date posted: January 29, 2024)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: CEO Car Lifter
(Date posted: January 29, 2024)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: CEO Roller Tool Cabinet Chest
(Date posted: January 29, 2024)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: MITCS Processor
(Date posted: January 29, 2024)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: BacCHP 2 Units Ambulance
(Date posted: January 29, 2024)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: BacCHP Med Eqpt 1659
(Date posted: January 29, 2024)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: BacCHP Office Equipment
(Date posted: January 29, 2024)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: BacCHP other supplies and materials
(Date posted: January 29, 2024)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Improvement of Road to Sanitary Landfill
(Date posted: January 29, 2024)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Landfill Cell #4 Mgmt
(Date posted: January 29, 2024)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Solar Power
(Date posted: January 29, 2024)
(Date posted: January 9, 2024)
(Date posted: January 9, 2024)
(Date posted: January 9, 2024)
(Date posted: January 9, 2024)
(Date posted: January 9, 2024)
(Date posted: January 9, 2024)
(Date posted: January 9, 2024)
(Date posted: January 9, 2024)
(Date posted: January 9, 2024)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: BacCHP 1658
(Date posted: December 13, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: BacCHP 1659
(Date posted: December 13, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: BacCHP 1660
(Date posted: December 13, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: BacCHP 1662
(Date posted: December 13, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: BacCHP 1663
(Date posted: December 13, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: CCLDO 1668
(Date posted: December 13, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: IV Ferrer PR 1656
(Date posted: December 13, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: CCLDO
(Date posted: December 13, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: BCFS- Firetruck
(Date posted: November 7, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: BCFS- Medical Vehicle
(Date posted: November 7, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: BTAO- Towing Truck
(Date posted: November 7, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: CHO – Rabies Vaccine
(Date posted: November 7, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: CMO- Vehicle
(Date posted: November 7, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: OBA – Waterproofing
(Date posted: November 7, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: OBO- Pickup
(Date posted: November 7, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: CEO-Perimeter Fence
(Date posted: October 9, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: DRRMO- Rescue Vehicle
(Date posted: October 9, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: DRRMO- Sewer Jet
(Date posted: October 9, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: MITCS- Computer Desktop
(Date posted: October 9, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: POPCOM- Vehicle
(Date posted: October 9, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: ASF Test Kit
(Date posted: September 11, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Asphalt Overlay
(Date posted: September 11, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Bacolod Arts Center
(Date posted: September 11, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Basketball Goals
(Date posted: September 11, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: CMO-ATV
(Date posted: September 11, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Dental Chair
(Date posted: September 11, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Towing Truck
(Date posted: September 11, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Traffic Signalization
(Date posted: September 11, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Vehicle for POPCOM
(Date posted: September 11, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Legislative Building
(Date posted: August 22, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: CEO Drainage System
(Date posted: August 22, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: CEO Multipurpose Pavements
(Date posted: August 22, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: CEO Vehicle AC
(Date posted: August 22, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: CHO Multi-purpose Van
(Date posted: August 22, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: DRRMO Sewer Jet
(Date posted: August 22, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: CEO-Artesian Wells
(Date posted: July 28, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: CEO- Repair and Maintenance of Streetlights
(Date posted: July 28, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: CHO-Mental Health Center
(Date posted: July 28, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: DRRMO-Food Items
(Date posted: July 28, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: DRRMO-PCR Test Kits
(Date posted: July 28, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: DRRMO-Safety Air Cushion
(Date posted: July 28, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: DRRMO-Utility Van
(Date posted: July 28, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: DRRMO- Welfare Goods
(Date posted: July 28, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: BCPO- Diesel
(Date posted: July 28, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: BCPO- Diesel
(Date posted: July 28, 2023) CEO-Artesian Wells
Invitation to Bid for the Project: CEO- Mini Dump Truck
(Date posted: July 3, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: CEO- Road Rehab Singcang Airport
(Date posted: July 3, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: CHO- Water Supply System
(Date posted: July 3, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: DRRMO- Rescue Truck
(Date posted: July 3, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: DSSD_ Vehicle
(Date posted: July 3, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: ENRO- Vehicle
(Date posted: July 3, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: OBA- Led Display Screen
(Date posted: July 3, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: OBA- Truss Beam
(Date posted: July 3, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: BCPO- Diesel and Gas
Invitation to Bid for the Project: CEO- Artesian Wells
Invitation to Bid for the Project: CEO Pedrosa Subd. Alijis Road Improvement
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Purchase of 225 pcs of tablet to be used for trainings by enumerators and data processors for data gathering for Bacolod City Community Based Monitoring System (CBMS)
(Date posted: June 19, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: CHO Desktop Computers
(Date posted: June 19, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: CEO Road Improvement Barangay Alangilan
(Date posted: June 19, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: CCLDO Refined Sugar
(Date posted: June 19, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: CEO- Greenplains
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Conc. of Magnolia St Taculing
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Con, of Osmeña Avenue Barangay 39
Invitation to Bid for the Project: DPS Truck Dropside
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Tourism Lights 11th Street
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Tourism Lights 13th Street
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Tourism Lights 18th Street
(Date posted: May 19, 2023)
(Date posted: May 19, 2023)
(Date posted: May 19, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: CONCRETING OF ROAD AT 101 ST. GREENPLAINS SUBD. BRGY. SINGCANG AIRPORT (from 110th St. to 100th St.), BACOLOD CITY.
(Date posted: May 19, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Purchase of Materials for the construction of Tourism Lights at various Barangays of Bacolod City.
(Date posted: May 9, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Renovation/improvement of commercial space at Ayala Malls Capitol Central for Bacolod Express Service Office.
(Date posted: May 9, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Meals for CBMS household profile questionnaires training of enumerators, LGU employees and PSA personnel.
(Date posted: April 26, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Purchase of 3 units Dot Matrix Printer, 10 Units Laptop and 10 unit Desktop PC for MITCS use.
(Date posted: April 20, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Purchase of various food supplies for supplementary feeding program of 3,113 day care children beneficiaries at the different day care centers in Bacolod City.
(Date posted: April 20, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Purchase of 225 pcs. tablets to be used by enumerators and data processors for data gathering for Bacolod City Community Bases Monitoring System (CBMS).
(Date posted: April 20, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Purchase of teachers tables and chairs and learners chair for DepEd use.
(Date posted: April 20, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Purchase of various drugs and medicines for use of Bacolod City Health Office
(Date posted: April 20, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Proposed traffic signalization (Corazon Aquino St- Hernaez St intersection/Gatuslao St., North Capitol Rd. intersection/Honorata G. Manalo Drive- Carlos Hilado Avenue intersection) Bacolod City.
(Date posted: April 20, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Purchase of construction materials for the construction of additional facility at BREDCO, Brgy. 2 (Phase II) Bacolod City.
(Date posted: April 20, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Purchase of construction materials for the rehabilitation of Road at St. Jude St., Brgy. Villamonte (from Medalla St. leading to Greensville 3)
(Date posted: April 20, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Construction of Multi-purpose Building at Helvetia Heights for Bacolod Lawn Tennis Program Helvetia Heights, Brgy. Villamonte Bacolod City.
(Date posted: April 20, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Improvement of Bacolod City College Bldg. A and Admin Bldg Canopy.
(Date posted: April 20, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Improvement of Evacuation Center, Brgy. Taculing, Bacolod City.
(Date posted: April 20, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Purchase of electrical materials for repairs and maintenance of streetlights (Reserve as the need arises).
(Date posted: April 20, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Purchase of construction materials for concreting of road at Cherry St., Rosario Heights Subd., Bacolod City.
(Date posted: April 20, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Purchase of 1 unit Brand New Mini Dump Truck for use of City Engineer’s Office.
(Date posted: April 20, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Labor and materials for pest control for use in the Bacolod City College termite control (Taculing, Sum-ag and Fortune Towne Campus).
(Date posted: April 20, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Re-blocking of Doña Juliana Ave. (St. Francis Ave. to Magdalene St.) Brgy. Taculing, Bacolod City.
(Date posted: March 21, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Drainage improvement at Hernaez St. Corazon C. Aquino St., & Taurus St. Sharina Heights Subd., Brgy. Taculing.
(Date posted: March 21, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Purchase of Electrical materials for the construction of Tourism lights at various Barangays of Bacolod City.
(Date posted: March 21, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Purchase of medical supplies for the use of various laboratory sections of the City Health Office and Brgy. Health Centers.
(Date posted: March 21, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Purchase of other supplies for the use of City Health Office, Bacolod City.
(Date posted: March 21, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Purchase of 1 Lot Public WIFI Connection.
(Date posted: March 21, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Rehabilitation/improvement of C.L. Montelibano Ave., Brgy Villamonte, Bacolod City (from Carlos Hilado Ave., leading to Greensville Subd.).
(Date posted: March 21, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Installation of concrete (new jersey/traffic barriers) at proposed temporary across traversing old Bacolod Airport and/or various city streets.
(Date posted: March 21, 2023)
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Purchase of desktop computers with printers and UPS for use of Dept. of Education, Bacolod City.
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Purchase of 10 sets sound system including set-up/installation, commissioning and testing for the use of Dept. Education, Bacolod City.
Invitation to Bid for the Project: Purchase of 11 sets of Robotics A1 learning set spike and 4 sets Arduino classrooms steam edition single station kit for beginners for the use of Dept. Education, Bacolod City.
Notice of Postponement of Pre-Bid Conference
Bid Evaluation Result – February 19, 2024
Bid Evaluation Result – February 5, 2024
Bid Evaluation Result – January 10, 2024
Bid Evaluation Result – December 21, 2023
Bid Evaluation Result – December 4, 2023
Bid Evaluation Result – October 2, 2023
Bid Evaluation Result – September 13, 2023
Bid Evaluation Result – September 6, 2023
Bid Evaluation Result – July 27, 2023
Bid Evaluation Result – July 25, 2023
Bid Evaluation Result – August 30, 2023
Bid Evaluation Result – August 1, 2023
Bid Evaluation Result – June 29, 2023
Bid Evaluation Result – June 21, 2023
Bid Evaluation Result – June 6, 2023
Bid Evaluation Result – May 23, 2023
Bid Evaluation Result- May 15, 2023
Bid Evaluation Result – May 9, 2023
Bid Evaluation Result- April 11, 2023
Bid Evaluation Result – March 27, 2023
Bid Evaluation Result – March 16, 2023
Bid Evaluation Result – March 14, 2023
Opening of Bids Results and Savings- February 23, 2023
Opening of Bids Results and Savings- February 7, 2023
Bid Evaluation June 29, 2023

Bid Evaluation June 21, 2023

Bid Evaluation June 6, 2023

Bid Evaluation May 23, 2023

Bid Evaluation May 15, 2023

Bid Evaluation May 9, 2023

Bid Evaluation April 11, 2023

Bid Evaluation March 27, 2023

Bid Evalutaion March 16, 2023
Bid Evaluation March 14, 2023