Nangin mabinungahon ang paghinun-anon naton kaupod kay CLMMRH head, Dr. Julius Drilon kag iban nga mga specialty doctors.
Gin baton naton ang ila proposal nga mangin miembro sang Advisory Council para sa Performance Governance System kun sa diin e-align ang CLMMRH to be a specialty center for Bacolod. Of the four stages of the PGS governance pathway: Initiation, Compliance, Proficiency, and Institutionalization, CLMMRH has passed the Initiation stage and shall move forward to the Compliance stage.
Ma abot ang adlaw, that you will no longer need to travel thousands of miles or wait for months just to get access to a special procedure that is currently not available in Negros Island.
Nag pa lab-ot man ang CLMMRH head sang ila pag suporta sa aton nga health care program.