November 29, 2022 – The Local Council for the Protection of Children conducts its culminating activity and recognition of Barangay Council for the Protection of Children (BCPC) at the Nature’s Village Resort.
Local Council for the Protection of Children (LCPC) Vice Chairperson, also Chairperson of the Committee on Women, Gender, Family and Childcare, Councilor Celia Flor stated in her opening remarks that this celebration aims to raise awareness on the rights of a child and also for the citizens to know the importance of letting a child feel that they are important, loved, and valued, in connection to its official theme, “Kalusugan, Kaisipan, at Kapakanan ng Bawat Bata Ating Tutukan!”.
Six Barangays out of Sixty-one in the city were given the recognition for having an ideal functionality for the 2022 BCPC, the giving of certificates were spare-headed by Councilor Flor, Department of Social Services and Development Head, Pacita Tero and Ms. Sandra Hechanova, LGOO II of DILG, Bacolod City.
Topped by Barangay Felisa, followed by Barangays Handumanan, 1, Estefania, 32 and 10 with 2022 BCPC ideal functionalities.
“It takes the whole community to educate, empower and nurture a child. I keep on repeating this statement because all initiatives, projects, and community efforts done for the betterment of our children are rooted in this ideology… thus, as we culminate this national children’s month… the promise of a bright future for the forerunners of the society is not the sole obligation of parents, teachers, or government, each one of us has a role to fulfill.” Executive Assistants Head, Lea Carmela Bantug-Zayco stated in her inspirational message.
Also during the event, Ms. Lien Wence Castro was also given a certificate of commendation for her undeniable service as a former child representative of the LCPC.
(Source: Bacolod City Public Information Office)